Friday, February 27, 2015

Concert Review by LuLu

    On Tuesday, February 24 I watched the performance of “Bach, Rock, and Hip-Hop” featuring Project Trio with the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra. The musicians in Project Trio played the flute, double bass, and cello. In my opinion, the performance was amazing. I liked how Project Trio took classical music and made it their own. They composed some of their own music, which was cool because it was music you had never heard before. They also did some of the classic classical music, such as Brahms’ 5th Hungarian dance, but they gave the songs a whole new vibe. It was like listening to the classical pieces all over again. You could tell that they were really into what they were doing, and that made the experience all the more enjoyable. I really have no criticism for this amazing performance. Project Trio has really taken classical music to the next level, and it was amazing to watch them perform.   

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