Thursday, February 26, 2015

Concert Review by Brooke

On February 24th,  2015, Glenridge 5th  grade went to the Powell Symphony Hall. At the Symphony we saw, Project Trio, in Project Trio their is a Flute, Double Bass, and a Cello (I think the Cello was an electric). Project Trio composed, Salsa, their own version of Bach, Rock, and Hip Hop. There where so many kinds of cool instruments, even instruments that I never heard of, like the Bassoon! The Flute person learned how to beat box on the Flute! He was awesome! All the music was really good. Project trio said they make up some songs because their was no music for the Flute, Double Bass, and the Cello. If I could I would stay all day to listen to their music! I really liked the part with the gong! Over all I think the whole thing was amazing. I loved how the orchestra and band would chime in with Project Trio. The conductor was really funny, because it looked like he was dancing while conducting and when Project trio said to the audience “take a deep breath” the conductor did it too and he looked like he bent backwards to much, like he was going to fall over! If anyone asked me if they should go see the Symphony, and Project Trio I would say, "definitely!" Even though some people didn't like it, I think it was amazing! But...the only down part about it was...when we had to leave because the music was so good and if you ever go to the Symphony with, like 2,000 other schools, it will be really loud in the beginning and when you are exiting because everyone leaves at the same time! But other than that chaotic mess, everything is fine if you don't go with 2,000 million schools, and teachers yelling, and kids running, then your good!

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