Friday, February 27, 2015

February 27

                                                                                                                Boggle Word 

Today we did our Spanish STAMP test. There were four parts, reading, writing, listening, and speaking. It really pushed us to use our Spanish vocabulary. We also had our portfolio prep. We are going to start conferences in March.
                We have been starting up our social studies projects. All of us have a person/topic to research that relates to the age of exploration. For example Marqutte and Joliet and European wepons. As you can see our classmate is studying Marco Polo (left side)

February 26

                                                                                                         Boggle Word 

Today we had Spanish, we did some reviewing on some animals. We have our STAMP testing tomorrow. In PE we did sit-ups and push-ups. We got or Astronomy tests back.  In writing we are having conferences about our personal essays with Mrs. Scotino. In life skills we are taking about peer pressure and how it affects us.

Concert Review by Lilly

    Today was Tuesday, February 24, 2015. We went to Powell Hall! Today three guest/composers came all the way from New York. They are Project Trio.
    Project Trio played with the Saint Louis symphony/orchestra. The three of them played three instruments. The cello, double bass, and the flute. They played Bach's music but had their own version of Bach's music. I was surprised that Project Trio created their own pieces of music.
    I thought that some of the music was boring. I probably say that because I am not really into classical music, but I thought some of the music was really cool. Some overwhelming but overall it was good.
    I recommend this to people who love classical hip-hop and love the history of music.

Concert Review by Olivia

I really liked going to the symphony. The music they performed was very entertaining and fun, especially the music they composed. But other students and I noticed that they went all original, they were remixes of Beethoven and Bach. One thing I thought was funny was the movement they made as they were playing, especially the flute player!

Concert Review by Sonia

    I think that it was a very cool experience to go to Powell Hall and see the St. Louis Symphony & the Project Trio perform. There was a flute player, a double bass player, and a cello player in Project Trio. I especially liked the flute player because he could beat-box while he played his flute. I found it kind of strange how he also did a little bit of footwork along with his flute playing. Now that I think about it, that could be his entertaining way to keep the beat considering that his footwork changed when the speed or the melody changed. In my opinion, the symphony was a mix of an orchestra and a band which I found really cool.
The music was really good and I hope we do it again in the future.

Concert Review by Lana

This morning, we went to a concert on Grand Blvd.. It was the Symphony, and they have three special guests, they play classical music. They play 3 different instruments, Flute, Double bass, and Cello. In one song, the Flute player even played in tree pose! I was amazed. I never think of play Double bass and Flute and Cello together, and it sounded amazing, it's the best concert I ever heard of.

Concert Review by Daniel

The Project Trio showed lots of ornamentation when they performed their pieces at Powell Symphony Hall on February 24. It was very enjoyable. Project Trio has a flute, double bass, and cello. They made amazing variations of the French Bouree by Bach.

Concert Review by Sara Bennis

    Today, the fifth graders from Glenridge got to go to Powell Hall Symphony! A group from Brooklyn, NY called Project Trio preformed for us and the many others. They preformed a piece by Bach, and played a rock song, and a Hip Hop song. The group has three men that each play a different instrument. One plays the flute, another plays the cello, and the last one plays the double bass.

    I enjoyed the performance a lot! My favorite part of the performance was when the flute guy started beat boxing with his flute. I recommend seeing performances at Powell Hall because they have awesome performances, and if you enjoy listening to songs with a little twist, then you should definitely go.         

Concert Review by LuLu

    On Tuesday, February 24 I watched the performance of “Bach, Rock, and Hip-Hop” featuring Project Trio with the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra. The musicians in Project Trio played the flute, double bass, and cello. In my opinion, the performance was amazing. I liked how Project Trio took classical music and made it their own. They composed some of their own music, which was cool because it was music you had never heard before. They also did some of the classic classical music, such as Brahms’ 5th Hungarian dance, but they gave the songs a whole new vibe. It was like listening to the classical pieces all over again. You could tell that they were really into what they were doing, and that made the experience all the more enjoyable. I really have no criticism for this amazing performance. Project Trio has really taken classical music to the next level, and it was amazing to watch them perform.   

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Concert Review by Sophia

I do not particularly love classical music, but the “Project Trio” really put a fun and funky modern twist on it!  I think it was cool how they would take a classic Bach or Mozart piece and would turn it into something more like a modern Pop or Hip-Hop sounding song!   My favorite part of the concert was when the flutist beat-boxed on his flute!  It was a great experience and I would definitely go see the “Project Trio” again!

Concert Review by Willa

    Today on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 the Glenridge 5th grade students and teachers traveled to Powell Hall Symphony to experience some lovely classical music. The three main composers performing their piece today was referred to “Project Trio”. They came from Brooklyn,New York and have performed many places. Today they performed some Bach,and, some of their own music. They performed it with the Flute, Double Bass, and Cello. I enjoyed experiencing this with my friends and teachers. I really liked how is was classical and relaxing but also cool and fun to listen to. I think they are really a phenomenal group of composers.I honestly wished it was longer. Its not the kind of thing that I would want to listen to but I thought it was great.They also did not mess up and I find that really professional because all those people in the Symphony were looking at them. I think a lot of others liked it because I certainly did. I would recommend this to anyone because I think anyone could find a way to like it.

Concert Review by John

On February 24, 2015, our class went too see Project Trio, three men with a flute, cello, and double bass, perform their versions of Bach, Rock-and-Roll, and Hip-Hop. I liked their version of Hip-Hop because it sounded weird and funny with their instruments. I also liked when the flute player did a tree pose while playing for almost an entire song. It was impressive.
    I didn't really like their version of Bach, though. Earlier in class, we heard the actual version of Bach, and Project Trios version didn't sound like it. Overall, though, I'm glad we went to Powell Hall.                        

Concert Review by Brooke

On February 24th,  2015, Glenridge 5th  grade went to the Powell Symphony Hall. At the Symphony we saw, Project Trio, in Project Trio their is a Flute, Double Bass, and a Cello (I think the Cello was an electric). Project Trio composed, Salsa, their own version of Bach, Rock, and Hip Hop. There where so many kinds of cool instruments, even instruments that I never heard of, like the Bassoon! The Flute person learned how to beat box on the Flute! He was awesome! All the music was really good. Project trio said they make up some songs because their was no music for the Flute, Double Bass, and the Cello. If I could I would stay all day to listen to their music! I really liked the part with the gong! Over all I think the whole thing was amazing. I loved how the orchestra and band would chime in with Project Trio. The conductor was really funny, because it looked like he was dancing while conducting and when Project trio said to the audience “take a deep breath” the conductor did it too and he looked like he bent backwards to much, like he was going to fall over! If anyone asked me if they should go see the Symphony, and Project Trio I would say, "definitely!" Even though some people didn't like it, I think it was amazing! But...the only down part about it was...when we had to leave because the music was so good and if you ever go to the Symphony with, like 2,000 other schools, it will be really loud in the beginning and when you are exiting because everyone leaves at the same time! But other than that chaotic mess, everything is fine if you don't go with 2,000 million schools, and teachers yelling, and kids running, then your good!

Concert Review by Abby

On February 24, Our class saw Bach, Rock, and Hip Hopby Project Trio and the St. Louis Symphony at Powell Hall. It was a little confusing getting in and out of Powell Hall, but the performance was great! I loved how project trio took classical pieces them more jazzy and adjusted them for their instruments. I also liked how the flute player found a way to beatbox with his flute. I enjoyed hearing Brahms Hungarian dance because I have heard only a small part of it but it was really cool to hear the whole thing! I enjoyed the indian classical piece but I thought the Salsa needed to be a bit less slow and boring to be more like a dance. Overall, I think it was a cool performance that put a cool spin on classical music.

Concert Review by Luke

    On February 24,2015 we went to Powell Symphony Hall.  Project Trio was composing in a fun jazzy way that was different  like they turned classical music into a different genre.  The concert was amazing.I would recommend a concert at Powell hall, It is energizing, fun, and exciting.

Concert Review by Aden

The concert that I visited at the St. Louis symphony was fun, exciting, and the musicians were really talented. My favorite part was when the flutist in Project Trio beat-boxed with his flute. A part where I didn’t enjoy as much is...what am I saying to be honest I thought it was all really cool to watch. Also, the atmosphere of the whole place is amazing, my favorite thing in Powell Hall is the ceilings. I recommend you to go to Powell Hall, St. Louis symphony because it is fun and exciting.

Concert Review by Madison

Today February 24, we went to the St.Louis symphony at powell hall and experienced a first hand view of project trio (a flute,double bass, and cello). Project trio likes all sorts of music but the fell in love with classical music by the time they were in college. They played at least three pieces of music which featured Bach rock and hip-hop.Bach rock and hip-hop is a twist on Bach but more modern. In my opinion I wish it sounded just a little more like Bach but overall i would recommend it to someone who doesn't want classical music or more modern music. The three players are from Brooklyn, New York and went to the same college which is where they started the trio. Two humorous highlights were that they all did positions or sharp movements while they were playing such as the tree pose.Also the flute player learned how to beatbox while playing the flute. Overall my experience at the St.Louis symphony was enjoyable and fun. I think Bach would approve...

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February 25

                                                                                                                 Boggle word: practices
                                                                                                                         59 words!!!

Today  in music we worked on our compositions. Today in PE we did our heart obsticle course. Today during art we worked on our quote blocks. We also had learning buddies. We read Dr. Suess to our buddies. 
       Have a nice rest of your day your 5S bloggers 
Sarah V and Sahi G

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

February 23 2015

Today for specials we had Music and P.E. Today during music we worked on our compositions(our own music). In P.E we did our heart obstacle course. During social studies we learned about the Silk Road. In writing some kids did some conferences with our teacher.

                                                           From Sahi And Sarah.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Blog February 20th

Today in social studies we played a game to work on our vocab terms for this unit and used a worksheet to describe where we would want to go, live, or explore. Today in writing we worked on our personal essay. Our essay is due next Friday.  Today in math parents came and did math with us!! It was very interesting.  

                                                      Have a nice weekend!!          
                                           Your 5S bloggers Sarah V and Sahi G

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Blog February 19

Today we had our CLAYMO! We did jump roping this lesson! Since this month is jump rope for heart we are honoring that by jump roping with our CLAYMO groups. At home your children got a small packet to collect money for the jump rope for heart. Today some of our classmates presented about Chinese New Year. They played us music, let us try a dessert that they serve at their dinners. In writing we went over our drafts of our personal essay with our partners. Our math open house is tomorrow. You are welcome to our math classes to share our learning experiences at 10:00 to 11:00 am. Today we had an artist come and teach us about her art work. Thank you!
   By Sarah V and Sahithya G