Monday, March 30, 2015

Blog March 27

Today we had PE and Spanish. In Spanish we are learning geography. In PE we got new spots and we did some jump rope. In social studies we went to the library and did some of our research for our Age of Exploration project for about 40 minutes. We had life skills and we talked about our MAP testing that is coming up for us in two weeks.  We had a great first day of our Pennies for Patients drive! As a class we collected $85.71! Our class goal is to raise $400 but we hope we'll raise more. Thank you to all the parents and family members who helped us have such a great start to this drive. 

Don't forget, the 5th grade fundraiser is tonight at 6:30! We hope you come over to the Wydown Middle School Theater to enjoy the 13 short films presented by Big Eyes Big Mind. If you haven't gotten your tickets yet, don't fret! You can still buy them at the theater for $6 each. We hope to see you there! 

 Have a nice weekend your 5S bloggers
Sarah V and Sahi G 

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