Monday, March 23, 2015

Blog March 23

Welcome back! We hope you had a good spring break! Today we had PE and Spanish. In PE we played race track and in Spanish we have started or geography unit. Today instead of social studies we had community time and talked about Pennies for Patients. We are going to donate money to an organization to help find a cure for cancer and support patients who are battling cancer. We are having a kickoff assembly on Thursday to learn more about it and that will be followed with many fun ways to donate money.  More information will come home on Thursday. In writing we did some creative writing. Mrs. Scotino gave us some prompts or pictures to get us started. Sahi chose to write about a tiger in her backyard and Sarah started writing about a girl who goes to a weird school and she is the only one who doesn't know why. It was a fun way to get back into writing! 

-Your bloggers, Sahi and Sarah 

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