Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 31

Today we had P.E and Music. In P.E we had free choice and in Music we talked about major and minor. In Social Studies we went to the library. In Writing we started a new unit on persuasive essays. We began as a class by discussing the chocolate milk in schools debate. We are going to gather facts to support both sides of the debate so each student can develop their own stance on the topic. 

Have a great evening! Enjoy the weather!
Your bloggers, Sahi and Sarah

Monday, March 30, 2015

March 30 blog

We hope you had a good weekend! Today we had PE and Spanish. In PE we played give and receive, which is when you have two balls and the taggers have to tag you and they get one but there is a certain way you have to move! In Spanish we switched seats and did some geography. In social studies we went down to the library and worked on our explorer project which is due April 6th.
Have a good day your 5S bloggers 
Sarah V and Sahi G

Blog March 27

Today we had PE and Spanish. In Spanish we are learning geography. In PE we got new spots and we did some jump rope. In social studies we went to the library and did some of our research for our Age of Exploration project for about 40 minutes. We had life skills and we talked about our MAP testing that is coming up for us in two weeks.  We had a great first day of our Pennies for Patients drive! As a class we collected $85.71! Our class goal is to raise $400 but we hope we'll raise more. Thank you to all the parents and family members who helped us have such a great start to this drive. 

Don't forget, the 5th grade fundraiser is tonight at 6:30! We hope you come over to the Wydown Middle School Theater to enjoy the 13 short films presented by Big Eyes Big Mind. If you haven't gotten your tickets yet, don't fret! You can still buy them at the theater for $6 each. We hope to see you there! 

 Have a nice weekend your 5S bloggers
Sarah V and Sahi G 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Blog March 26

Today we had PE and music. In PE we played gaga ball. In music we are learning major and minor keys. Today we had art! We are starting our quilt blocks so students should bring in fabric swatches on April 2. In reading we are rereading Crash and are trying to get deeper in it by using 6 signposts. Today for CLAYMO we had an assembly for Pennies for Patience. Information about it should come home this afternoon! Our school goal is to raise $2,000 to donate to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. 
Your 5S bloggers Sarah V and Sahi G 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 25

Today we had Spanish and P.E. In Spanish we went through a couple of presentations on family trees. In P.E we went through our obstacle course. We only had 30 minutes of math because an artist came to tell us about his life and did a demonstration for us. Today in Writing we talked about nouns, verbs and adverbs. 
Your 5S bloggers Sarah V and Sahi G

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 24

Today we P.E and Music. In PE we are doing the stations. And in music we listened to some compositions and listened to some music. In social studies we are learning about Christopher Columbus. A visitor came to talk to us about blood cancer and the program called Pennies For Patients. In writing we did free write.
                     Have a nice day -your 5S bloggers Sarah V and Sahi G

Monday, March 23, 2015

Blog March 23

Welcome back! We hope you had a good spring break! Today we had PE and Spanish. In PE we played race track and in Spanish we have started or geography unit. Today instead of social studies we had community time and talked about Pennies for Patients. We are going to donate money to an organization to help find a cure for cancer and support patients who are battling cancer. We are having a kickoff assembly on Thursday to learn more about it and that will be followed with many fun ways to donate money.  More information will come home on Thursday. In writing we did some creative writing. Mrs. Scotino gave us some prompts or pictures to get us started. Sahi chose to write about a tiger in her backyard and Sarah started writing about a girl who goes to a weird school and she is the only one who doesn't know why. It was a fun way to get back into writing! 

-Your bloggers, Sahi and Sarah 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

DeCarlos' Symphony Review

On February.24,2015 the 5th grade and I went to the Powell hall (a symphony) to watch three talented composers perform hip hop,rock and a lot of classical music. My favorite instrument out of the flute, double bass and cello is the flute because your using a lot of your voice and I like instruments were you use a lot of voice. My favorite songs were the Beethoven song and the hip hop song. I hope the 5th grade had a great time because I did and I cant wait to see them again if we go back this year and it taught me that when you here peaceful music you become peaceful. By,Decarlos

Sonia's Review of Shrek the Musical

Today, we went to Wydown to see Shrek the musical. I know that the students that were in the musical worked very hard to perform for us but in my opinion, I didn't like it. At all. All the Wydown musicals in the past were amazing but this one was just inappropriate in some ways and I really didn't like that. I may not be able to speak for all three of the schools that went to this musical but I can strongly say that this musical was not only very disappointing (since all the other plays were great) but it was also just the worst I've ever seen (you can quote me on that). -Sonia

Sophia's Musical Review

Today March 5, 2015 my class went to the Wydown Middle school to see their Spring Musical Shrek. All the characters seemed very real and had very good voices! Their was lots of dancing, singing, and it was funny, there was something for everybody! It was exciting because schools could see students they knew in a whole new way! I think anybody who likes fairy tales and wants to see something funny and good but not professional with kids your age or just a little older or younger this is the musical to see!

Olivia's Review of Shrek

The play was funnier than i expected it to be. My favorite character was pinocchio he made all three schools including Glenridge laugh just being his character. Ge also really changed into what you would think pinocchio would look and act like.

Shrek Review by LuLu

On March 5th we went to Wydown and saw the Wydown production of Shrek The Musical, which is mostly is about an ogre (Shrek) who saves princess Fiona (by order of a lord) and falls in love with her. In my opinion, the musical was great. To be honest, I did not expect the musical to be so advanced, there was a lot of complicated choreography and songs that seemed hard to pull off. It had the same components of a Broadway production when it came to the sets and technical things like that, which made the stage fit for such a good performance. Although I had never really seen a musical or movie of Shrek, I was surprised that the song “Now I’m A Believer” was not really incorporated into the musical, because it seems to be one of the more famous songs that has ever been in movies, musicals, or plays of Shrek. Still, all in all, the production was great and I can tell a lot of work has been put into getting this musical on its feet.

Shrek - A Musical Review by Jennifer

On Thursday, March 5th, 2015 the 5th grade classes went to see a Wydown musical: Shrek. It is a musical that is based on the movie. The musical was great, I loved the part when Princess Fiona and Shrek was singing together and Shrek got a little gassy and farted, then Princess Fiona farted too. After that they started burping and dancing while farting. I guess it’s because Princess Fiona didn’t want Shrek to feel bad and humiliated, so she started goofing off too. Yes it is grows, but also funny. My favorite characters are Donkey and Princess Fiona. Donkey was funny and always has good catches. Princess Fiona is brave, smart, and forgiving. She can stand up for herself when she needs to, you can never say that she is weak. I suggest you to see this musical if you are willing to laugh your head off. If you watched the movie, then you would know that there are times when it’s sad and emotional, so I wouldn’t blame you if some tears roll down your face. After seeing this magnificent musical, you would be ready for a nap and have your happily(sleepily) ever after.

Lana's Wydown Musical Review

The actors in Wydown Middle School amazed me. I never thought about an actor could act like that. The name of the play was called Shrek. It is a movie that you can easily find on YouTube. It's a common movie, but they made it uncommon. They act it like a real story that happens around us. An ogre met a donkey and a princess, then married her. A simple story, just like our mom and dad, but they made it really exciting.

Jennifer's Symphony Review

We went to a Symphony Orchestra Concert on February 23, 2015 at Powell Hall, a team of 3 musicians from Brooklyn, New York named Project Trio. They each played the flute, double bass and cello. They performed Bach, Rock and Hip-Hop. The flute player told us there are different ways to play an instrument, like how he learned how to beat box with the flute. I can also see that he enjoys dancing, he was dancing most of the performance and did the tree pose. First they played one of Bach's piece, it didn't sound very much like the original, but it was their version. Then one of Brahm's Hungarian dance songs, and at last, an original salsa piece that was composed by Project Trio them selves. They ended the concert with a slow salsa piece that made me all asleep for a while, but still, it was a great concert.

Joshua's Symphony Review

We went to Powell Hall on February 24th featuring the Project Trio. I personally thought that the concert was really good and classical. I also thought that it was really amazing that the Project Trio could play their instruments in a different way the they were supposed to be played but still made it sound good.

Jenna's Symphony Review

I thought our second trip to the St. Louis Symphony was even more extraordinary than the first. I feel all the instrument players did an amazing job today.(February 24, 2015) I really liked the cello players. I felt that they did a great job. I also watched the conductor for a few minutes. I thought it was very unique, the way that he moved his hands. Soft and flowey for the opening, and when he wanted the notes to be sharper he moved his hands that way. Project Trio did the best though. It was fun how the changed up songs by Bach and Beethoven and made the beat a little different. It was also entertaining how the flute player beet boxed on the flute. Powell Hall itself was very elegant. The rails and floor were soft red carpet and the walls and ceiling was white and gold designs. The End

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

To This Day Video

Today our class discussed the topics of self-esteem and body image. We talked about the importance of helping each other through the next phase of their lives - middle school and the changes that come with puberty - not making things harder on each other. We discussed how wrong the phrase, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me," is, words stick with you and may never be forgotten. The following video supported our discussion and I encouraged the students to watch it again with their family and to discuss their feelings in response to the video at home.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Blog March 10

Today in Spanish we did some presentations. And in PE we are still playing badminton. Today we have started our dreaded puberty unit. In social studies we learned bout Marco Polo and The first printing press. And we had library and spot check. 
Your 5S bloggers
Sarah V and Sahi G

Monday, March 9, 2015

Blog March 9

Today in music we finished up our compositions. And in PE we are still playing badminton. In social studies we are learning about the Vikings. In writing we did free write outside!!
    Your 5S bloggers 
Sarah V and Sahi G 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

March 5 blog

Today we had PE and Spanish. In PE we are still playing badminton but today we played a game of badminton. In Spanish we are finishing up our animal books and we are going to read them to our kindergarten buddies. Today we went to the middle school for their musical. We saw Shrek the musical. They used a lot of good expressions and it was nice to see the behind the scenes.  

March 4

Today we had  PE and Music. In PE we are playing badminton. And in music we are working on our compositions. Today we also had Art. We are finishing up our space pieces. They have turned out really well! We had learning buddies and we read to them! And in writing we are conferencing and finishing up our essays. 

                                                       Your 5S bloggers
                                                     Sarah V and Sahi G


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March 3

Today we had Spanish and PE. In Spanish we worked on our animal books. We were supposed to describe them in Spanish. In PE we worked on Badminton skills. In Social Studies we learned about the Vikings. We did research in the library. 

Are You Smarter than a 5th grader?

Within our math unit on multiplying and dividing decimals, students have been asked to create their own problems that would allow us to practice these skills.  Below are a few examples of problems developed by students. Challenge yourself! See if you can solve their problems.  Submit your answer by commenting on his blog post.  Have fun! 

Hint: you should have gotten the same answer for all 4 problems

Monday, March 2, 2015

Blog March 2

 Yay! Happy birthday Dr. Seuss! Today we had PE and Music. In PE we have started badminton. And in music we are working on our compositions. In social studies we started make is list of what an explorer has to be. In writing we have been continuing conferences and free write. Today we have been stopping and reading two Dr. Seuss book. Here are the books we are reading. 
                Have a nice rest of your day!
               Your 5S bloggers
Sarah V and Sahi G