Friday, September 5, 2014

Behind the Scenes with 5M

This week fifth grade focused on claymo and teamwork.  We had our first claymo lesson and we led it!!!!  Claymo is really fun, we got to make a tower out of spaghetti, string, a marshmallow, and tape.  Our goal was to build the tallest freestanding structure with the marshmallow on top.  Some were successful and some were not but we all had great teamwork!

An academic highlight from this week was in Science. We got to experiment more with pendulums. We recorded data about how many times the pendulums swung. The different variables changed how many times it swung and here are some examples of the variables: length of the string, mass of the bob, and time.
We get to have a kindergarten learning buddies this year and we just found out who they are today! We will get to read with them, perform science experiments with them, and help them with their math skills.  We cannot wait to get to get to be with our learning buddies again.  This week was really filled with many leadership opportunities.

Reporters: Joshua and Sophia

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