Monday, September 1, 2014

Behind the Scenes with 5M

     This week was a busy week even though it was a short week.  Some highlights from this week were Boggle, starting to read Seedfolks, our first Art class, and the CLAYMO retreat.
    At the beginning of our literacy time in the afternoon, we play boggle as a way to calm down and get our minds focused again on academics. Seedfolks is our read aloud book that we began reading this week.  It’s a book told from many different characters’ perspectives.  

          On Tuesday we had art and learned how to make art out of ink and a straw, or cover the paper in water and dot the paper with ink, it would make an ink mark and bleed across the paper.
We learned about part of the homework policy for 5th grade.  Ms. McMillion told us what the missed homework sheet is and what to do with it.
          On Wednesday in math we learned how to estimate the answer to a division using compatible numbers.  We also learned how to estimate and round when doing multiplication.
We had Spanish and PE on Wednesday. In Spanish we played games and in PE we played give and receive.
In science, we built pendulums.  We will be experimenting with these pendulums to see what affects their movement and speed.  

          Thursday we had our field trip to the claymo retreat. We went to Tilles park and the Center of Clayton.   When we were there we learned our partners and our groups. We were gone for the whole day.  We did some stations with our claymo partners, including making our lanyards. One station was decorating flower pots.  At the Clayton center we played games and got letters from our parents. We practiced for the first claymo group. We had fun. We made a marshmallow tower challenge, which was our first claymo lesson that will teach. We watched videos from kid president. 

 Reporters: Brooke and Abby

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