Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Behind the Scenes with 5M 9/8-9/12

           In math we are getting used to our math classrooms (Well most of us). It is really fun!!  We like learning and talking about multiplication and division strategies.
In reading we are still reading Seedfolks.  We are learning more about how the different characters are all coming together because of the community garden.  
We continued working on poetry this week.  We had a fun challenge to take an ordinary object and write about it in a way that makes it come alive.  We really got to stretch the creative part of our brain.  In Science we started talking about potential and kinetic energy.

African Dancing
  Today we finished our African Dance. We had a lot of fun doing it! Some parents showed up to see us dance! We started at the beginning of this week and ended today. This was our last year doing it. Many of us started in kindergarten and it got more advanced each year. We really enjoyed doing it!

    The Desk Fairy
    This morning a lot of people got a little note from the Desk Fairy! The Desk Fairy leaves us notes if our desks are very organized.  We get a treat and today we got extra recess!  We get 25 minutes of recess from 2:15 to 2:40!  This also gives time for other students to organize and clean their desk and get a teacher’s help if they need it.  It was a good reminder to find good organization strategies that work for us and to use them.

Electronics celebration
        Today we have an electronics celebration so we get to bring our Ipads, phones, etc. We earned it by spelling out the word ‘teamwork’.  In order to get letters to spell out the word, we needed to be good and get compliments by other teachers in the school! We get to play on our electronic for the last 30 minutes of the school day.  Happy Friday!

Reporters: Aden and Sarah

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