Sunday, August 17, 2014

Behind the Scenes with 5M

     There were many highlights from our first week of school.  Some of our favorites were the snowball fight, reading "The Big Orange Splot" and designing our own dream house, teaching Glenridge how to dance appropriately at an assembly to the "Happy" song, and the Happy City project. 
     The snowball fight was a game we played with crumpled up pieces of paper as pretend snow.  We each wrote something on our piece of paper that we thought nobody else would know.  Then we took our pieces of paper and had a "snowball fight" with our classmates.  Once we threw our piece of paper at somebody we found other "snowballs" around us to throw at others.  When Ms. McMillion rang the chimes, we had to freeze and then find a "snowball" near us.  We then took turns reading the note on our paper and trying to guess who it was about.  It was a really fun way to get some energy out and get to know each other a little better. 
     Ms. McMillion read the book "The Big Orange Splot" by Daniel Pinkwater.  This book emphasized the importance of being different and celebrating our diversity.  After reading the book, we each got to design our dream house because in the story, each person eventually turned his/her house into something unique.  We really got to express through this project.  Soon you'll get to see our house designs displayed right outside of the 5M classroom.
      The 5th graders to complete their first job as leaders of the school.  We have many assemblies throughout the year and it can be hard for kids to stay in control, especially when something happens that requires or allows them to move.  So, we were asked to demonstrate to the school how to dance while staying in control.  While listening to the song "Happy" by Pharrell William, the 5th graders first danced by themselves to show the school how to do it, then we got to dance with each grade level as they practiced dancing and then calming back down.   It was a great way to kick of the new year!  Ms. McMillion was able to capture a few pictures during the assembly.  

      On Friday, Mrs. Slodounik came into our classroom and introduced the idea of creating something for the people of a Happy City.  Whatever we designed we had to use a light blub and a battery and the light had to have a purpose.  We were also able to use cardstock, aluminum foil, and tape.  It was hard at first to think of something to design but as we got talking to our classmates the ideas started flowing.  Some of the things that were built for the Happy City were a hospital, a toy store, a car, and a park.  Each of us had a unique idea and design.  We all got to share what we built at the end of the day.  It was so interesting to hear why everyone made what they did and how the light bulb added to their design.  We think the people of our Happy City would be truly happy with what we built!
     For more pictures of the assembly and the Happy City project click here.  This will take you to Ms. McMillion's website were you can browse through the pictures in the photo gallery. 
     Please talk with your child about our first few days of school.  These are only brief descriptions of a few highlights from our week and there is so much more to share!

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