Monday, August 25, 2014

Behind the Scences with 5M

      Welcome to our first official first full week of school with 5M!   We have learned and grown so much just because of this week.
 This week we were talking about how we were going to be BRAVE this year in Fifth Grade.  We made BRAVE posters to show how we were going to be BRAVE!  We also listened to key words in the BRAVE song which was really fun.

      This week we also made hands that represent us.  We made these because this years  theme is be your self and being brave.  We colored them different colors and wrote phrases and drew pictures.  

  We also started our academic learning this week.  We started math class, learning about whole numbers.  How to write them in word form, standard form, and value.  We also started our reading this week too... I think we were all excited to get reading and go to the school library to get some great books!  We had our first science class, we are studying Motion Force, and Models.  We are already having so much fun.


 One cool game we did was S.S.E.R.T.S, if you read it backwards it says stress.  Ms.McMillion gave us a set of directions that were really hard which was confusing.  We all got together to talk about how we played the game.  We all seemed to say we had to to make up some rules to go through the game with the rules Ms. McMillion gave us.  The whole part of the game was to not be stressed and push through our struggles and BE BRAVE!

Reported by Kristopher and Lilly

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