Monday, May 11, 2015

STEM Day 5/1/15

Kristopher: Today at stem day I enjoyed, at biomed we got to tell the difference between a human heart and a sheep heart, and we got to see a  robot.
Jenna:     I enjoyed going to STEM Day because I enjoyed doing different types of learning outside of school. I thought it was fun to play with the electrical batteries and bulbs and flying the paper airplanes. I enjoyed that we learned in a different format on STEM Day.

Jennifer: STEM day was really fun! My favorite topic was surprisingly math. The motion detecter and graphing and arcatecture was my favorite, trying to match the pattern is not easy but really fun! When lunch time came, I was really happy. I have to say that it was kinda tiering but fun, mostly. Lunch was kinda the highlight of my day too.

Daniel: Today the Glenridge 5th graders went to the Clayton High School to learn about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. We did several activities such as architecture and airodynamics. I Think It was very fun.

Aden:     STEM day was really fun, the activities were really cool. My favorite part was the BioMedical part, when we touched the hearts. Another fun part was building the structures with the blocks of wood. They should do a STEM day next year because they are good learning activities and good chances to see what subjects you enjoy.

?: i thought stem day was a great way to spend time to day leared alot today my favoraite was biomed where i acully got to hold a real heart and look at real arteries and got to see my blood pressure and my heart rate and got to lable the heart i also loved the making the best airplanes i also met lots of new people

Joshua: STEM day was really exciting. I thought it was going to be really boring with math and science but actually you get to do a lot of fun physical work with your friends. You learn a lot about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) especially the science and engineering part because most of the stations have you constructing something or testing a experiment. 

Lana:     We went to highschool for STEM DAY this morning. It was awesome. One of my favorite activity is the Electronic group. We try to finish the 10 challenges about how to make the motor and light bulbs with batteries, wires, and controllers.   

Sonia: I think that STEM day was a really fun experience and I learned a lot. I especially liked the math, Boeing flight, and the biomed. In the math station, I really liked the motion detector and also the "brain-teaser-building-block-challenge" because my group and I constructed a really difficult structure from a a blue print that shows the side view, the top view, and another side view. The Boeing flight station was really fun because we got to make paper airplanes and try to shoot them at the target with a two spinning motors and when I mine didn't hit the target, I would use paper clips to add weigh and try again, or change the design. The biomed was awesome since I saw an actual human heart- one obese and one normal heart. STEM day was a really fun and I learned a lot.  

Sara:  I really enjoyed the field trip. I thought it was a good way to learn. I cant wait until high school because you have so many more options for a career. My favorite part was the building blocks because my team was the second team to complete the challenge. I was very proud of  my team for completing it.
A suggestion is that they should offer snacks and treats for the stations like making the airplane. But overall i thought it was really good and can’t wait until high school maybe i can be a person to tour. Or to teach kids my age now about what I’m interested in.

Lilly:  Today was Friday, May 1, 2015! We went to the Clayton high school for STEM day! This was the coolest thing I've ever done! It makes me think different about science, math, and technology. My favorite part about today was the robotics and touching a sheep and human heart!!! Probably my least favorite one was the electricity part because we already learned about it in fourth grade... Or at least I have. But for people who've never done it before you will really like it!!! They give challenges and you have to try to figure them out. But mostly overall this was the coolest thing:) I recommend this to people who are curious about technology, math, and science, even if you are not interested I would recommend this to you too.

Willa:            Today, May 1st, 2015, the fifth graders and some lucky teachers had the opportunity to go to the Clayton high school for STEM day (Science, Technology, Engineering,and Mathematics day ) . We also met up with the students and some teachers from Meremac and Captain Elementry. We had the help of some of the high school students to guide us. We got to particapate in electricity by applying force with help from other materials. Also, we got to test our blood pressure and look at human and goats heart, we could also HOLD the hearts!One of my favorite things was seeing a real robot that the high schoolers built and competed it in competitions! There were many,many more awesome things that we got to experience, but, my personal favorite is I HAD to pick one would have to be trying to match your movement with a graph, that was so cool! I would recommend this event to people who are interested in STEM. I really liked it and can't stop and wonder what different things they will have next year.

Brooke: Today we went to the Clayton height school, and had stem day. I think it was Ok, I wasnet as intrigued in some things than the other. Like the pollution one, I thought it was really boring. Also seeing the lamb and human heart sort of was cool, but I didn't touch it because it was in someone's body, that is now decised. I did like the part where it takes your blood pressure and you can stick you arm in ice water! We also did heart rate, I thought my heart rate was too low, but it wasnet. So overal I think that STEM day was Ok.

Madison: This Field trip was very interesting and fun because we got to touch real human and sheep hearts. Many people thought this was revolting but the ones who were brave enough to try it got to stick their fingers through an aorta.

Abby:   I learned a lot about stem and found there was some really cool careers that I never even knew that they had to do with stem! I think my favorite station was the one about the heart because i found it really fascinating the technology can help us so much when reaserching the body.  Stem day really connected things that we study at school with things that real people pursue as and occupation and passion.    









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