Friday, October 3, 2014

Behind the Scenes with 5M 9/29-10/3

Math test

We had a math test on Wednesday. The test was about whole number multipacation and division. It was very intense. After each test we have to complete a reflection and test corrections so we think through our mistakes and can learn from them.


In P.E. we had a lacrosse unit. Our teachers in P.E. made games up so we could have fun. We had games like zone and hot spot. Lacrosse is a game that you play with a stick and a small ball.

Writing goals

Right now we are in our personal narrative unit. To become a better writer we have to set goals. We wrote a personal narrative in the beginning of the school year and with our pieces we set up goals for our unit.

Science test

We had our science test on Friday. Our test was on motion, force and models. Our science teacher well prepared us. Everyone did well and aced the test (hopefully!). We are well ready for our chemistry unit.


We are reading Crash right now. It is about two boys, Crash Coogan and Penn Webb. They are very different. One is polite and one is disrespectful. One eats meat and one is a vegetarian.  We are noticing that Crash is very narrow-minded while Penn is very grateful and open-minded.

Science Experiments

We did different experiments this week to explore force and motion. We did some collison and speed experiments. Our science teacher led us to do very fun stuff, from using pendulums to using a slope.

Life Skills

Mrs. Spann came to our class today to do a lesson on super powers.  We talked about our favorite superheroes and their powers.  Then we had to finish the sentence after thinking about ourselves: “I have the power to… .”  We discussed how with power comes responsibility. We talked about being the leader and making sure we are the best we can be.

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